This is part 2 of a series, explaining how healthcare organizations can retire their legacy applications and, at the same time, retain access to the data from those legacy and/or obsolete systems. (read Part 1)

In part 2, Mike Ball, Senior Vice President , North America, BridgeHead Software continues to help you realise the myriad risks you and your organization might be taking on a daily basis.

  1. Have you ever thought how much it is costing you to keep alive old and / or obsolete PACS, EMRs, ADT and lab reporting systems just to have access to the data that resides in them?
  2. Don’t forget all those aged proprietary (API-based) spaghetti purpose-built integrations sitting in the corner developed by a member who might have be no longer with the company?
  3. Do you realise the seriousness and all the potential tangible and intangible consequences for your organization in case of a security breach?

We hope you find this article helpful.

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