Implementation & Upgrade Services

Our professional services team can work with your team or independently to help you install, configure and test your new data management solution from BridgeHead. Depending on the project needs, our experienced team will integrate a traditional backup and/or an archiving solution that frees up primary storage, to achieve your goals. Once up and running, we can continue to provide experienced resources to assist with system upgrades or expansion of your data protection environment.
BridgeHead Software’s installation services focus on system design, setup, and configuration. Through project discovery activities, our staff works with our customers to determine the most effective and efficient configuration of the software. Our goal is to fully optimize available storage to maximize data protection, while at the same time working to keep recovery time windows as short as possible.
Whether you are upgrading your software to take advantage of new features, or just to stay current, a system upgrade requires some advanced planning and strong understanding of the product, its configuration, and how the various modules work together. We provide the quickest and safest method for upgrading your software installation.
System Modifications or Expansion
The chances are your environment is constantly evolving. Whether servers are being upgraded, or new servers added to support new applications, you will likely need to make adjustments to your system to account for these changes. Our team can work with you to evaluate the impact of these changes, how to best address them, and then to quickly and efficiently make the adjustments needed to keep everything running smoothly and to make sure that your data is well protected.
Tag Morphing
For customers that are implementing a DICOM archive for medical images with BridgeHead, we are able to offer a tag morphing service. This service includes all the software, rules discovery and creation, configuration services, and testing necessary to implement DICOM tag morphing within your independent clinical archive. DICOM tag morphing allows applications to access data created by other systems. Tag morphing structures the data to adhere to the requesting systems specific data requirements. This service adds tremendous value by widening the utilization of data from one system, across many others, without actually duplicating that data for the use of a specific system.

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Managed Services for Backup and Recovery

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