[UK comment] Managing the complexities of growing data is an issue that many healthcare organisations are struggling to grasp. But are NHS and private hospitals rising to these challenges? Some are.
The London Clinic’s Director of IT, Mike Roberts, has a vision he refers to as ‘delivering data at the point of need’. Mike recently spoke with Ehealth Insider (ehi) to share his experiences in trying to implement this strategy. This culminated in an interesting byline article published by ehi on 18th September. In the article, Mike discusses how he is re-locating information from disparate data sources into a single place. In doing so, information is being made accessible and available for clinicians and hospital staff, as and where it is needed, in the delivery of patient treatment and care decisions. Click here to read the ehi byline article.
In addition, Mike was kind enough to undertake an interview with BridgeHead to delve a little deeper into his ideas. This has since been turned into a 17 minute podcast which is available on ehi ENGAGE. Click here to download the podcast.
Interestingly, in the podcast Mike doesn’t claim to have all of the answers. He very much sees the execution of his vision of ‘delivering data at the point of need’ as a ‘journey’ not a ‘destination’, questioning whether it will ever be truly achievable to reach the end goal – using the barrier of constant influx of new technologies as an example. However, The London Clinic is already reaping some of the rewards resulting from moving in this direction. And Mike offers some real insight as to how other healthcare organisations may take a similar path to addressing their data management issues – whether NHS or private.