Holy Family Memorial will deploy a scalable, centralized approach to managing PACS archiving, email archiving and enterprise backup
WOBURN, MA – May 14, 2013 – BridgeHead Software today announced that Holy Family Memorial, the largest provider of health care services in Manitowoc County, WI, has selected BridgeHead’s Healthcare Data Management (HDM) solution to create a single, centrally managed and fully protected archive for all its systems. The Holy Family Memorial archive, which includes a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA), will complement the existing BridgeHead MEDITECH backup and recovery solution.
Holy Family Memorial will implement the full BridgeHead Healthcare Data Management solution in three stages:
- PACS archiving – Following an upgrade to its AMICAS PACS, the hospital will install BridgeHead’s file and DICOM archiving agents.
- email archiving – BridgeHead’s Exchange archiving agent will enable emails to be moved off the Exchange Server storage to reduce costs while enabling ediscovery and retention management.
- Central virtual environment – The inherent backup capability in BridgeHead’s HDM solution will protect the remainder of Holy Family’s more than one hundred virtual enterprise application servers.
Theron Pappas, PhD, Client Executive / Director of MIS at CareTech Solutions and Holy Family Memorial, chose BridgeHead’s HDM solution because it provides a single, scalable approach to managing data protection for all its disparate systems, from imaging to email to its application servers. Looking forward, Pappas plans to expand his use of VNA to a disaster recovery solution with continuous, off-site network backups as a replacement for manual, on-site tape backups.
BridgeHead Software’s HDM solution enables hospitals to increase the quality of care by harnessing all clinical and administrative data, ensuring that it can be:
- Stored efficiently, intelligently and at optimum cost;
- Protected from misuse, corruption and loss; and
- Shared between users, applications, departments or other hospitals, making vital patient information accessible to the people who need it.
“With our BridgeHead-powered VNA and enterprise archive, Holy Family Memorial will be able to manage all of our hospital data from one place with a unified approach,” said Theron Pappas. “Because the BridgeHead licensing model is based on the amount of data we backup, our costs will scale proportionately as we grow and generate more data. We will also be able to more accurately track our data growth rate, so we can predict our future storage needs and costs.”
“With a vendor neutral archive built on the BridgeHead Healthcare Data Management platform, Holy Family Memorial is adopting a modern, flexible and extensible approach to managing all its data,” said Mike Ball, PhD, BridgeHead Software senior vice president, North America. “BridgeHead HDM also prepares Holy Family to further enhance their data management systems with an equally progressive disaster recovery system.”