Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Problem Solved
The Trust was looking for a platform to store and protect all their clinical images and associated data in a central, enterprise-wide, independent clinical archive (ICA). Their vision was to create an environment where they could share this information across hospital departments (and to neighbouring healthcare organisations), so that it would be accessible and available for use by clinicians, where they needed it, when they needed it.
Bradford used their deadline to exit the national PACS contracts as a catalyst to implement this strategic vision. They partnered with BridgeHead to successfully migrate 27TB of radiology data (all transformed into a non-proprietary industry format), equating to 1.7 million studies / 126m non-proprietary DICOM images into BridgeHead’s ICA (our next generation vendor neutral archive (VNA)) – HealthStore®. By doing this, Bradford has laid the foundations for the Single Patient Record.
A project is already underway to take the same approach with their cardiology data so that it too will be available from within the central archive. Longer term, all the hospital’s medical and non-medical images and other clinical and non-clinical data is also being considered for the archive.
Why BridgeHead?
- Best-of-breed healthcare specific application and hardware agnostic solutions
- Full protection for Bradford’s ICA environment ensuring all data within the archive is available to those that need it, where and when they need it
- Breadth of experience and excellent reputation for customer support (pre- & post- sales)
Hospital Profile
- 2013-2018 Strategy: “Putting Patients First”
- ‘Teaching Hospital’ since 2013
- Became one of the first NHS Foundation Trusts in April 2014
- 5,000 staff, 1,000 beds, 6 main sites
- Storage – Dell Compellent
- Now using BridgeHead’s ICA – HealthStore® for radiology & cardiology data