
How To Recover From A Cyberattack In 3 Days

Healthcare organizations a prime target for cyberattack. According to research, the average time to fully recover from a cyber event is 73 days which, for a healthcare provider can have far reaching consequences – clinically, operationally, and financially.

In this video, BridgeHead’s Jamie Clifton, Head of Innovation and Research, and Glenn Martin, Product Owner for BridgeHead’s RAPid™ Data Protection solution, discuss a customer who experienced a cyberattack last year, how they were able to recover their systems and data to full operation in 11 days and, based on the lessons learned, how this could be further improved to a 3 day recovery time.

In this session, Jamie and Glenn cover:

  • The need for a healthcare specific data recovery plan
  • The importance of clinical safety in recovery planning
  • Why it’s critical to undertake regular disaster recovery testing
  • Why offsite backups should be a ‘mainstay’ of your DR plan
  • Why you need should build immutability/ airgaps into your onsite backups
  • Why disaster recovery plans need to incorporate cyberattack mitigation.

To learn how BridgeHead can help your healthcare organization mitigate the impact of a cyberattack…

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