Commentary, opinions, responses and topics relevant to healthcare data management.
Part 3 – A Common Problem with PACS Image Archive: Tape
This is part 3 of a 3-part blog series, on overcoming the unique challenges presented in archiving PACS images to tape. In part 1, I provided details on why this is a problem for most hospitals. In part 2, I provided information on how BridgeHead worked with one...
Part 2 – A Common Problem with PACS Image Archives: Tape
As described in our Part 1 blog entry on this topic, we have become aware that many hospitals are in the position of relying on a single device, often a tape library for their PACS image archive. We have worked with a hospital in the upper Midwest to solve this...
Part 1 – A Common Problem with PACS Image Archive: Tape
In our work with hospitals using various PACS systems, we’ve become aware of a common situation which can be solved easily and at low cost with BridgeHead to alleviate tape dependencies. What’s the Problem? A PACS receives radiology images in the DICOM format and upon...
Vendor Neutral Does Not Mean Vendor Compatible
One of the ideals behind a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) is that the data will be in a standards-based format making it available to any application that complies with the DICOM standard. So, in theory, once the data has been migrated from a proprietary archive to a...
QE Gateshead’s 1st Step to Healthcare Data Management – Starting With Images
Following our press announcement we’re pleased to be able to talk openly about the work we are doing at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (QE Gateshead). As it embarks upon its long-term strategy towards the vision of a holistic digital patient record, BridgeHead...
Debunking the Fear of Cloud for Healthcare IT
By Kelly Baig @KEHBaig In 2014, ACO and MU requirements will take priority for your hospital like never before. This is the year when the bar has been lifted, in which audits are real, and in which you must stay focused on your top priorities to be effective. “Half of...
What Happens to Medical Images when a Hospital Closes its Doors?
By Tim Kaschinske @Tim Kaschinske In February 2012, Marian Community Hospital in Carbondale, PA, said good-bye to its patients and closed its doors for good. However, the hospital’s responsibility for medical images and other patient data would...
The Evolution of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System)
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), as its full title implies, addresses two main functions; picture archiving and communication of those pictures. This blog is a personal classification of PACS by generations to explore the relationship of PACS and its...
The Countdown Clock to RSNA13 is Ticking: Connect Now!
By Kelly Baig @KellyEHB It’s that time of year again, when healthcare and radiological professionals are planning their holiday shopping lists around their upcoming annual sojourn to Chicago for what will be the 99th annual meeting of radiologic scientists from around...
IDC Says: Modern Data Management is the Foundation for ACO and MU
By Kelly Baig @KellyEHB In his keynote address at the Institute for Health Technology Transformation’s Health IT Summit in Boston, Scott Lundstrom, group VP at IDC Health Insights made some startling predictions: Scott shared that IDC predicts that 50% of hospitals...
BridgeHead VNA Manages DICOM from Amicas Radiology PACS at a Community Hospital
By Tim Kaschinske @TimKaschinske Last month, BridgeHead successfully completed on-site installation and testing of its VNA solution with the Amicas radiology PACS available from Merge at a community hospital in Wisconsin. This customer was already using BridgeHead as...
Why Recognize Professional Skills Development for Health IT?
By Mike Ball This week, BridgeHead is pleased to unveil a sizable list of new technical training courses on Healthcare Data Management (HDM), which are available to the public. We have revamped our training to focus on the critical application environments which exist...
More than 1,200 hospitals around the world rely on BridgeHead’s data management solutions.